Previous Award Winners
Golden Acorn Award Winners
2016-2017 Kim Maeda
2015-2016 Dawn Carr
2014-2015 - Laura Norris & Darlene Weigle
Outstanding Advocate Award
2016-2017 Korista Smith-Barney
2015-2016 Susan Cherry
2014-2015 Dawn Peschek
Outstanding Educator Award
2015 - 2016 Miriam Koh, Shelby Vogel, Alyssa Kawamoto
2014 - 2015 Alyssa Kawamoto, Linda Audino, Betsy Sanford, Christina Stempson
Maple Hills Eagle Awards
2015 - 2016 Keith Browitt, Frederic Langley, Tiffany Alegrete
2014 - 2015 Sue Schantz, Mark Abel, J.R. Benight
Lifetime Membership Award
2015-2016 Dawn Peschek
2009 - 2010 Renee Weiss

Each year the Maple Hills PTA presents Golden Acorn and Outstanding Advocate Awards to people who go “above and beyond” for our students at Maple Hills. Recipients of these awards are volunteers who promote the mission of the PTA: to be a “powerful voice for all children, a relevant resource for families and communities, and a strong advocate for the well-being and education of every child.”


The Outstanding Advocate Award honors an individual for continued and dedicated service to children and a demonstrated commitment to helping create strong policies relating to the health, welfare, safety, and education of children. Volunteers who speak for students, or try to influence change for their benefit are considered advocates. Nominees for this award can be a PTA member, community member, teacher, assistant, or administrator.


Nominees are scored using a weighted rubric considering volunteer service to the PTA, Maple Hills Elementary School, the District and Community. Award recipients will be honored at the Issaquah PTSA district reception.


Golden Acorn and Outstanding Advocate awards are Washington State PTA awards. More information can be found at


Nomination forms are due by Friday, February 24th, and can be delivered to the Award Nomination Box in the front office, sent via kid mail in an envelope marked PTA Awards, or emailed to Jessica Howe at


Thank you for taking the time to acknowledge our wonderful volunteers! To download a form, visit our PTA Forms & Flyers page:

Help us recognize the extraordinary Educators and Volunteers who teach, mentor and inspire our students! 


Do you know an educator who exceeds the normal scope of his/her job to make the learning environment fun, beneficial and challenging for students? Nominate them for a Washington State PTA Outstanding Educator Award:

 Each year Maple Hills strives to recognize individuals who have made a significant and lasting contribution to our students. These are leaders who go beyond the normal scope of volunteering, and motivate others to action. Nominate someone for a Maple Hills Eagle Award:

Nominees for either award can be a teacher, educational assistant, custodian, bus driver, administrator or community member. Forms may be submitted online or printed and sent in by kid mail.Deadline for submissions is May 27, 2016 at 8:00 p.m.

2 EASY WAYS TO SUBMIT YOUR NOMINATION(S):  Please complete the online nomination form using the link above OR complete form, print out, and deliver to the Maple Hills Office in an envelope marked "ATTN: PTA AWARDS" by Friday, May 27th, 2016.

Questions? Email with your questions or for more information. Thank you!

The Maple Hills PTA Outstanding Educator Award(s) & Eagle Awards will be presented at the End of the Year School Assembly in June.

Thank you for taking the time to acknowledge our wonderful educators!