Want to help advocate for kids?

You can help locally, regionally, on a state level

and on a NATIONAL level! 

WANT YOUR VOICE TO BE HEARD?  Join PTA and learn how you can further advocate for kids! 
GET LEGISLATIVE NEWS and keep on WSPTA's advocacy through the WA State PTA Grassroots Connection Blog. You can sign up for email updates at the blog site. 
ATTEND LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY!  Registration is now open for October's WSPTA Legislative Assembly. PTA leaders and members are invited and encouraged to attend the Annual WA State PTA Legislative Assembly in October. At this year's Legislative Assembly, you will discover the power PTA has to advocate for every child - the whole child - regardless of race, creed, gender, or zip code. In PTA, every member has an equal voice and it matters for the success of our member-driven platform.

To learn more or register for the event, visit: WA State PTA

How you can advoacate for our school and our children

REGISTER TO VOTE! Are you registered for the next election? Register to vote with the Washington Secretary of State here.
GET INVOLVED! Do you want to learn more about what's happening during the legislative session and how it will impact your family? You have a voice and a vote, and you can make a difference! Check out the WA State Legislature website for daily updates during the session, and contact your legislators. https://leg.wa.gov 

You have a voice and a vote! Contact your 5th District Legislators:

Sen. Mark Mullet  mark.mullet@leg.wa.gov

Rep. Lisa Callan  lisa.callan@leg.wa.gov

Rep. Bill Ramos  bill.ramos@leg.wa.gov

What's happening in Olympia?
